$25 Healing Special

The Soul-Centered Attraction Activation

Tuesday, July 30, 4pm Pacific time

Clear patterns that attract the wrong things and activate soul aligned magnetism!


My guides and I can help dismantle the energetic structures that are blocking the magnetism of your soul’s intention and dimming its impact on the world.  This work is about clearing the energy patterns that are attracting things that don’t serve your greater good and amplifying the beacon of your soul’s magnetism to attracted things that magnificently support both your soul’s journey and your normal day-to-day experiences.

At the core of so much of my shamanic work is the strategy that if we get our soul and energy body healthy and aligned with our human experience, we’ll have massively better results with way less effort.  This applies to money, relationships, health, travel, creative projects, in short, pretty much any result, outcome, or experience than matters to you.  The elegance of this appeals endlessly to my inner engineer (who is still working away busily on problem solving and optimizing despite the career change).

Ideally our soul purpose and intention are aligned with our human experience and up-to-date.  From there, this energetic map and structure would ideally draw the people and circumstance that create an optimal life experience.  Furthermore, this organized energy acts as a lodestone and compass, helping us to feel intuitively drawn to an aligned path.

Unfortunately, in becoming adult survivors of childhood, there is often a lot of emotional and psychological patterning that is created.  When these are acting as the magnet, you can end up drawing people and circumstances that are reflections of these patterns.  For example, codependency, romantic partners with addiction issues, or the same type of toxic work environment.  There is a vibrational resonance that is added on and created through our life experience that can makes us “fit” in situation that don’t make us happy or fulfilled.  A good therapist can help you look at the mental and emotional side of this (which is valuable and important).  This healing will work directly to shift the energetic structures and patterns out of the way of your deeper, more authentic and joyful experience.

I hope you’ll join me!

The format: Just sign up for the healing. On the day of the healing, I’ll do the journey at the appointed time. You’re invited to come into stillness while the journey is happening, but it’s not required. After the journey, I’ll send you an .mp3 with details about the work.

Want to hear about upcoming $25 healings before anyone else, including my mailing list? If you’ve joined at least one $25 healing in the last year (or as soon as you sign up for this one), you can sign up for the “First Dibs” mailing list by emailing me directly.  If you join the first dibs list and sign up within 48 hours from the time I send the email, I will guarantee you a spot even if I need to offer a second journey to accommodate everyone who signs up within that time frame.

Limit: 22 people

Healing: $25