Winter Solstice Healing Ceremony

Release the old energy and connect with your primal magic! Just $25

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magical sky over ocean and beach viewThe Winter Solstice is one of the most powerful times of the year for me. I’d love to share that magic with you. This healing includes three parts:

Clearing the past- I’ll work with your guides and my guides to clear karma, pain, old contracts, and stories. The intent is to allow you to be released from everything your soul is ready to be done with from the previous cycle.

Healing Ceremony- Receive deep healing from a huge team.

Magic Activation- Reconnect and amplify your personal, primal magic.

The format: Just sign up for the healing. On the day of the healing, I’ll do the journey at the appointed time. You’re invited to come into stillness while the journey is happening, but it’s not required. After the journey, I’ll send you an .mp3 with details about the work.

Limit: 22 people (Once healing is sold out, I’ll remove the sign up link and note “sold out”.  If the link is live, there’s still room for you!)

Winter Solstice Healing Ceremony- $25