Essential Incarnation Intensive

Discover the Joy of Full Incarnation

One Month Journey Begins August 1

No homework required.

Align and harmonize body and soul for a more satisfying and enjoyable life experience.


I was tempted to call this “Incarnation for Dummies”, but I wasn’t sure everyone would get the reference to the series of books that had their heyday in the 1990’s.  While we’re all doing incarnation, it surely didn’t come with a manual.  We can get misaligned and out of synch in various ways.  By working with the fundamentals of body/soul alignment and harmony, we have the potential to uplevel our overall satisfaction and enjoyment of life.

Some of my clients get caught in a bit of a catch-22 wherein the misalignments in their incarnation experience make them not so inclined to be here, and the resistance to being here hampers their ability to create a life that would authentically work for them.  With other clients, it’s not so dramatic, but there’s still an energy leak and loss of richness from underlying tensions and misalignment with their soul being here, now, in their body.

This intensive is designed to help with this with a series of shamanic journeys.

Journey 1: Soul Embodiment Support-
There’s a specific team of midwife guides who help souls come into their new, infant bodies, making sure all the connections and alignments are set up properly.  Sometimes early trauma can disrupt this process and sometimes later events in life buffet us out of this careful set up.  In this healing, these midwife expert guides have agreed to make a guest appearance to update and restore this alignment between our souls and our current physical bodies.

Journey 2: Soul Purpose Update and Support Alignment- This enhances your ability to life an authentically aligned life.  If your life feels off track in some way, or just not as elegant as it could be, it’s helpful to make sure your soul purpose is contemporary and aligned.  In addition, if there are circumstances creating ambivalence about incarnation, this is a chance to strengthen the team of guides who can help with that.  Please note that soul alignment is only one piece of the puzzle, as free choice and physical reality remain major players in determining our outcomes.  Still, strong guidance and support is helpful with any circumstances.  You can read more about the Soul Purpose Update here.

Journey 3: Energy Body Alignment-  This work is designed to bridge soul and physical body in elegant and optimal way.  Incarnation is the coming together of a physical body and a soul.  Between these two, your energy body supports communication and communion.  This healing is focused on helping the energy body to be the most effective and aligned bridge between body and soul.

Journey 4: Playing Nice Together- Sometimes human animal and human spirit end up at cross purposes as they each try to tug our attention and engagement in the direction that aligns with their goals.  They both bring important things to the table and a path that excludes either is going to include a lot of problems.  In this journey, I work to bring your inner wise one to the forefront to help these parts remember they are playing for the same team and help them collaborate on your life instead of engaging in power struggles.

Bonus #1: An additional journey will offer personalized healing and individual support for your incarnation experience.  This journey won’t have a report because the shamanic healing will be entirely customized for each person.

Bonus #2: Soul Retrieval Refresher (Note: this is only available for those who’ve completed a soul retrieval with me.)  This work is designed to help bring back any soul parts that have become disconnected since your original soul retrieval.

Program includes:

  • Four shamanic journeys as described above with .mp3 journey reports.
  • Ongoing shamanic spaceholding with a team of guides to provide support. You’ll be held within sacred space for the one month intensive.
  • A bonus personalized shamanic healing.
  • Soul Retrieval Refresher (for my soul retrieval clients).

The format: This work is based on energetic interventions and shamanic journeywork. In addition, each journey (except the bonus) comes with a journey report that will teach you more about the topic and how you can engage more deeply with the healing offered should you wish.  Just sign up.  When the intensive begins, I’ll connect you to the sacred space and begin doing the shamanic journeys.  After each journey, I’ll send you an .mp3 report or, in the case of the bonus journey, an email to let you know the work has been completed.

Bonus offer: Get the Soul Purpose Alignment Course for 50% off, just $38, when you add it to this intensive.

Limit: 22 people

Cost: $127


Just the Intensive- Just $127

Intensive Plus Soul Purpose Program- $165