8-Month Program Begins March 1!
Heal and Actualize your Chakras for a life with greater money flow, physical health, heart connection, and soul expression.
Program includes:
One month for each chakra plus a final month to harmonize all the chakras
Two distance shamanic healing and activation journeys each month with .mp3 journey reports
Two personalized shamanic healings each month in which I work with the team of guides and focus on whatever support your chakra needs most. This work doesn’t have a journey report, but I’ll let you know when I do the work.
Sacred space supporting you 24/7 in this journey
Optional homework or just sit back and let the guides and I work on your behalf
This work will plant the seed of the organizing principle of the universe that corresponds to each chakra and provide nourishment for that seed to become actualized.
Working deeply with the chakras provides healing for the energy body. The different chakras and their vibrancy also impact the different areas of our lives- health, money, relationships, communication, connection to soul purpose, etc. By working on them deeply and systematically, we create a stronger healthy expression in all areas of life, internally and externally.
Many people’s life journey has left their chakra system malnourished at times. This stunted the ability of the chakras to realize their fullest expression. I’m excited to offer this work with an intent that we may all be free in the present of the energetic impact of unmet needs from the past.
I hope you’ll join me!
Cost: $55/month
Prerequisite – a Soul Retrieval session with me. Note: There are two reasons for this. One is that if we’re missing soul parts no matter how much energy we provide to our chakras, we’ll still feel a lack. The second is that when I get a chance to work one on one with someone, my guides and I gain a great deal of information about your soul and circumstance. This allows me to custom-tailor the energy for each person.
Bonus- Soul Retrieval Update- After soul retrieval, your soul parts tend to stay solidly with you for the most part, but time and life events may cause a lesser degree of soul loss. I’ll journey on your behalf to update the soul retrieval work we did together, returning any parts that wandered off.
Limit 24
Monthly payment $55