Spiral Wisdom

Girl riding a flying tiger- Josephine Wall art.Live Recordings of my Most Popular Shamanic Training

Spiral Wisdom was a live, in person shamanic training program that I taught for many years.  I recorded the classes.  The audio quality isn’t ideal and I paused the recording between journeys and sharing, so sometimes the context of a question must be inferred.  Hence, the price point of an entire six month program for such a low price.  This program goes into considerable depth.

If you’re looking for something with better quality audio, most of the course in my Academy of Practical Shamanism will provide that!

Get the recordings from my six month shamanic training program for a self-study of shamanic journey.  The program is designed to allow you to:

  • Master the technique of shamanic journeying and learn how to apply it to your daily life.
  • Develop and strengthen your direct, personal connection to your spirit guides and the divine.
  • Learn skills for healing yourself and supporting others in their healing journey.
  • Heal soul wounds around power, sexuality, and embrace your shadow aspects.
  • Come into your power and embrace your unique gifts and abilities.
  • Release and heal wounds and patterns from past lives and ancestral lines.
  • Learn to walk in the world with right relationship and manifest the life you desire.


  • Twelve class recordings – most classes will include shamanic journeywork.
  • Ebook copy of Practical Shamanism.
  • Saturday Shamanic Journey class recording
  • Star Being and Outdoor class recordings

Topics include:

  • Ancestral Healing
  • Past Lives
  • Power and Vibration
  • Shadow Work
  • Destiny Work
  • Inner Child Healing
  • Cord Cutting
  • Collective Consiouness
  • Dealing with Big Emotions
  • People Pleasing and Instinct Healing
  • And more….

Cost: $100

Spiral Wisdom Program