Entity and Spirit Attachment Clearing

Monthly program: one clearing for $35 or two clearings for $55

Please make sure you qualify for this offer by meeting the pre-requisites before signing up!


Not dealing with entities?  Scroll down to see how this can be used for general clearing and energetic sensitivity.

Path through forest with light shining through the trees representing entity clearing.

If you’re new to my work with entities, please start here: Compassionate Entity Removal

Entity attachment can cause distress and confusion.  Expensive clearings often don’t produce the hoped for results and DIY approaches can fail, produce minimal results, and sometimes even make the situation worse.  If you’re dealing with this issue, I recommend we start with a soul retrieval, however, I recognize that isn’t in everyone’s budget.  Also, even with an effective clearing, getting rid of entities and keeping them gone is often about developing or rebuilding your energetic immune system rather than a one-time clearing on your behalf.  If we’ve done an entity clearing in a soul retrieval session, this is an effective way for me to offer you ongoing support.

I’ve been doing entity clearing for 25 years and what the constellation of those journey experiences tells me is that it’s complicated work with no two clearings looking exactly the same.  Part of this work is an inside job as people who aren’t willing to do practices and engage with mindset shifts often have a hard time being free of this issue, even with expert outside help.  But the complexity and persistence of this issue is often beyond a non-expert’s ability to resolve on their own even with diligent practices.

Please read before signing up: This offer isn’t meant to solve all your entity issues by itself, but it is meant to provide a significant boost to the results of your efforts.  This offer is available only to the people who have either completed a soul retrieval session with me and/or purchased my “Free Yourself From Entities” course.  It doesn’t include a journey report, since I will be working on each person individually, but I will email to let you know when I’ve done the clearing.  Also, it doesn’t include one-on-one support or questions, so please don’t email me to tell me you still feel the entities attached or to ask about your personal situation.  If you’d like to discuss these things, please book a session.  You can learn more about why it might feel like entities are still attached even after an effective clearing here: Compassion Entity Removal  This is designed as a monthly program in which for each month you join, you’ll receive one or two clearings within the month, depending which option you pick.  Please note the timing requirements to be included.

Complex work to resolve entity situations is best done in an individual session.  But once that work has been completed, ongoing support for staying clear of entities can be done in this format.

Each Clearing Includes:

  • Clearing of spirit attachments, entities, and other outside energetic intrusions

  • Strengthening of your energetic field to help protect you from further attachments or intrusions

In addition:

Sacred Space: This program includes ongoing support, available 24/7 from a team of guides that will help you to stay clear and protected during any month that you are part of this program.



  • For Curses/Ill Wishes- If you’re concerned about curses or ill wishes rather than entities, I can use this program to support you.
  • For General Energetic Sensitivity– If you’re not concerned about entities or curses, but just looking for support managing energetic sensitivity, just let me know and I’ll focus the work on general personalized energetic clearing and helping your energy field to become stronger.

Please note: This program can only be applied to one intention- the default is entity clearing or you can email me to shift it to curses or general energetic sensitivity.

Pre-requisite: this program is open to those who have either completed a soul retrieval session with me and/or purchased my “Free Yourself From Entities” course.

Timing: I start this program the first of each month.  (For January 2024, you can sign up through January 5). After that, if you want to sign up between the 2nd and 14th of the month, just choose the one clearing per month option.  From the 15th on or for 2 clearings per month sign ups, I’ll process your sign up for the next month.  I don’t have a set schedule to do this work.  I do the shamanic journey as fits my schedule then email you to let you know it’s been completed.

Ongoing or One Time: You’re welcome to use this program as ongoing support and sign up each month or sign up for a clearing when you feel the need.  There’s no commitment.


1 clearing per month- $35/month

2 clearings per month- $55/month

Please make sure you qualify for this offer by meeting the pre-requisites before signing up!


One Clearing- $35

Two Clearings- $55

Additional Resources for Dealing with Entities (some of which are free):

I want to help people at an affordable price and to provide a strong path forward after an entity removal.  So, I created an on demand program: Free Yourself from Entities for $47.  I feel that a significant percentage of the internet information about entity attachment is incomplete, unhelpful, wrong, or even harmful.  So, I made my own program.  You can also access my podcast episode for free or check out my articles on Spirit Attachment and Entity Removal: A Guided Overview or Psychic Protection.  These also cover black magic, implants, etc.

I recommend a soul retrieval session if this is a major or chronic problem.