Money Manifestation Intensive

Get personalized energetic work to improve your money outcomes!

Receive eight specific shamanic healings!

Begins April 1

No homework required

This one month intensive is designed to help align your energy body to work effectively with money flow in a way that’s authentic to you and your soul’s expression.

Money is a big source of stress for a lot of people. Fear of not having enough now or in the future, being overwhelmed by debts… these are all real concerns.  With inflation and so much collective fear, even if we’re okay now, it’s hard to truly feel financially safe.

Check out the video to learn about I went from constant fear and anxiety about money with over $30,000 in card debt to feeling well resourced financially with my credit cards completely paid off, all without adding hustle, working harder, or taking on a job I hated.  This is the passion, vision, and knowledge that’s behind the various money programs I offer, including this one!

As to my current situation, my consumer credit cards are at zero.  These journeys I’m offering are the energetic foundation of what I used to build my financial resilience beyond anything I’ve experienced before.

Often sensitive, spiritually engaged people find bringing in the money they need to thrive more challenging than for people who are less engaged with questions of soul purpose or the meaning of life.  Yet, we make our best contributions to the world and live the most fulfilling lives when money stress and fear are no longer leaking away our energy and attention. The goal of this program is to remove obstacles to money flow and to align your energetic body to support good money outcomes on an ongoing basis.

In taking counsel with the guides every week on how to create this in my own life and on behalf of my clients, I’ve learned that sustained, easeful money manifestation is a multilayered undertaking that involves nuanced alignment.  It can take some focused effort to dismantle chronic energy patterns that come from money stress and fear experienced over time.

I’ve consolidated that wisdom into this intensive!  It includes both training and shamanic journey work on your behalf to provide energetic transformation.  The homework is totally optional and the training is yours to access now or later or not at all.  You can just receive healing and transformation if that’s the right thing for you.  Either way, I’ll be working with my team of guides to help align the energy to support your money outcomes to flow into an upward spiral.

In this program you’ll receive:

  • Four shamanic journeys with eight specifical healings or activations as described below with .mp3 journey reports.

  • Ongoing shamanic spaceholding and a sacred space included a dedicated team of guides to support us 24/7.

  • Bonus: Ongoing access to my Money Mastery for Modern Times program.

For each of the following topics, I’ll do shamanic journey work plus provide an .mp3 with information about the journey.  Most of the journeys have more than one shamanic healing or activation.  I wanted to provide comprehensive healing with all the major shamanic intervention that I believe help people to shift their money outcomes.  So, I’ll be doing double or triple the normal shamanic work for some of the journeys in order to provide everything I want to offer to you within the one month timeframe.

Journey 1:

  • Healing 1- Activate the Three Laws of Manifestation for Money Flow.  Law of Attraction is one of them.
  • Healing 2- Contemporary money interface and activation.  Align with the most up-to-date energetic patterns of success for money flow that are ethical and empowering for everyone involved.

Journey 2:

  • Healing 3- Release past life vows of poverty and clean up past life trauma that blocks money from coming to you freely in this lifetime.
  • Healing 4- Clear the blocks! Dismantle energetic structures created by fear and stress from this lifetime around money.  Remove fears of receiving and family of origin patterning.

Journey 3:

  • Healing 5- Chakra Alignment.  This engages with each of the chakras so their authentic expression also aligns with good money outcomes.

Journey 4:

  • Healing 6- Install the blueprint of sustained financial success.
  • Healing 7- Open previously dormant money channels.
  • Healing 8- Destiny Path Activation for a life of grace and abundance at the material level.

In addition, you’ll be held in sacred space for the entire month, with the guides working in the background to support you.

The format:
This work is based on energetic interventions and shamanic journeywork. In addition, each journey comes with a journey report that will teach you more about the topic and how you can engage more deeply with the healing offered should you wish.  Just sign up.  When the program begins, I’ll connect you to the sacred space and begin doing the shamanic journeys.  After each journey, I’ll send you an .mp3 report.

Bonus: Money Mastery for Modern times program.  Hours of audio, video, and text provide you with in depth knowledge of how to work with the energetics of money flow on your own.  A $97 value!

28 people

Cost: $147 (or $122 for Shamanic Money Manifestation participants)

Have you been in my Shamanic Money Manifestation program for at least two months over the last year? If so, you can get this intensive with a $25 discount- Just $122.  And, yes, if you’ve had a soul retrieval with me, but haven’t been part of the Money Manifestation program, you can pre-pay for April and May and get the discount price.  These programs complement each other.

Cost- $147


Discounted Cost for Shamanic Money Manifestation folks- $122