Lockets and Crystals

Handmade Crystal Lockets, Jewelry, and Crystals

Click on images below each heading to see full photo.  Click on description in the list to see more photos of each item and price details.

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Shamanic Crystals with Katie


Gold Opal and Herkimer Pendant- $285
Ammolite Necklace with Herkimer Diamonds 14K Gold-fill Wire- $350
Locket 10: Smokey Quartz, Garnet, Herkimers- $100
Locket 6: Herkimer Diamonds and Garnets, $95
Natural Amethyst Pendant with Phantom Crystal Inclusion + Herkkmer Diamond- $125
Locket 13: Pink Tourmaline, Herkimers- $100
Locket 4: For the purist- Herkimers straight up, $85

Locket 8: Opals , $100
Locket 17: Emeralds, Apatite- $100
Locket 7: Auralite 23 and Herkimer diamonds, $85
Herkimer Pendants $40 each
Tourmaline and moonstone pendant with tourmaline beaded chain- $50
Chakra necklace with semi-precious stones- $50
Herkimer locket with beaded chain, smokey quartz, garnet, herkimer- $100
Raw Green Tourmaline- large- $100
Translusent opals and herkimers- $275


Polished Opal- #1- $100
Polished Opal #2- $100

To purchase a locket, necklace or crystal, please fill out the form below and note what you want to purchase.  Prices don’t include shipping.  US shipping only.
I will contact you for billing information.

6 + 6 =

More on rocks and Crystals!

I love working with crystals. They hold such strong, clear vibrations. By adding those “notes” to my environment, I am supported in awakening them within myself. I can more easily find “grounding”, “clarity”, “inspiration”, “protection”, etc. and activate those energies for myself. I gather my crystals together to create Mesas or shamanic altars. These range in size from a small travel bundle to a whole house grid. I use my crystals to anchor intentions on my behalf, allowing me to still be protected and shielded when I’m tired or connected to healing energies as needed.