Lockets and Crystals
Handmade Crystal Lockets, Jewelry, and Crystals
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Herkimer Pendants $40 each

To purchase a locket, necklace or crystal, please fill out the form below and note what you want to purchase. Prices don’t include shipping. US shipping only.
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More on rocks and Crystals!
I love working with crystals. They hold such strong, clear vibrations. By adding those “notes” to my environment, I am supported in awakening them within myself. I can more easily find “grounding”, “clarity”, “inspiration”, “protection”, etc. and activate those energies for myself. I gather my crystals together to create Mesas or shamanic altars. These range in size from a small travel bundle to a whole house grid. I use my crystals to anchor intentions on my behalf, allowing me to still be protected and shielded when I’m tired or connected to healing energies as needed.