Healthy Body, Happy Life

Get ongoing, focused shamanic healing to improve and sustain health!

Just $35/month!


seascape with flame in clouds for Healthy Body program Shamanic healing is an effective way to support physical health and healing.  Whether you’re looking to sustain health over time or resolve a current issue(s), this work is designed to support you!

Physical health improvements are one of the most consistent requests that I see in my shamanic healing practice.  As a result, I have a lot of experience working with this type of healing.  I have a number of specific guides that specialize in supporting people in transforming their health when there’s an issue and sustaining well-being when there isn’t.

On a personal note: As I approach my 50th birthday and experience my parents’ journey through their 70’s, remembering to use the tools of shamanic work to proactively provide health support seems especially important.  So often we use focused healing work reactively, when there’s an issue.  And I’m all for that!  And I’m also deeply interested in sustaining and prolonging the experiences of well-being proactively.  As I provide this for people close to me (and my aging cat), I want others to have access to this support at an affordable price point.

Program Includes:

  • Two Personalized Shamanic Healing Journeys each month

  • Sacred Space with a team of guides that focus on supporting physical health

  • Extra Life Force Boost for those who qualify (see bonus offer below)

I won’t be providing journey reports, but please feel free to email me at the beginning of each month and let me know more about how your body is doing.  This program can be used to address a particular issue, a number of issues, and/or simply to strengthen and sustain existing health.

Shamanic Healings include:

  • Personalized support for your health situation.

  • Installation of blueprint of health.

  • Transmission of healing energy to support your body shifting towards health. Plus, get a boost to your vitality and life force energy.

  • Support and strengthening of the destiny path for optimal health.

Bonus: Those in my $25 Money Manifestation program and/or Practical Shamanism Membership (AKA Patreon) get an extra Life Force Energy Boost every month!

Yes, your pet is also welcome: I’ll be working on behalf of my 17-year-old kitty as part of this, so if you have an animal in your life that you’d like me to support, that’s another way of using this program.

Cost: $35/month