Psychic Protection

A Guide for Energetically Sensitive People


person sitting in garden inside glowing sphere illustrating psychic protectionPsychic protection is a crucial skill for anyone who is energetically sensitive. Living in a world filled with psychic noise, emotional turbulence, and energetic disturbances can be overwhelming, especially for those who feel deeply and are easily affected by the energies around them. This article explores the importance of this skill, offering practical strategies to help you create strong energetic boundaries, manage psychic noise, and protect yourself from unwanted energetic intrusions.  The following is a basic overview.  Check out the additional resources for more comprehensive ways to learn about how to protect yourself energetically.

Understanding Energetic Sensitivity

For energetically sensitive individuals, everyday experiences can feel overwhelming. You might find yourself picking up on other people’s thoughts and emotions, sometimes without even realizing it. This heightened sensitivity can lead to feelings of social stress, dissociation, and a general sense of being overwhelmed. Understanding your energetic sensitivity is the first step towards mastering psychic protection.

The Importance of Psychic Protection

Psychic protection involves creating a barrier around your energy body that filters out unwanted energies. Whether you’re in a crowded space, dealing with difficult emotions, or simply navigating the loudness of the world, having strong energetic protection can prevent feelings of confusion, disorientation, overwhelm and even dizziness or nausea in extreme cases. This form of protection is key to maintaining your energetic integrity in the face of external influences.

Creating a Sanctuary at Home

Your home should be your sanctuary—a place where you can retreat from the world and recharge. Space clearing techniques, such as smudging or using sound to clear energy, can help maintain the energetic cleanliness of your home. Additionally, setting up wards—energetic filters that protect your space from external intrusions—can significantly enhance your psychic protection.  These filters and barriers in the walls of your home allow your personal shields and filters to rest and relax.  Time in nature removed from people is another great way to let yourself be more open for at time.  For more on the specifics of warding your home, check out Protect Your Home 

Strengthening Your Energy Body

A strong energy body is essential for effective psychic protection. This begins with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, and practicing stress management are all crucial. Practices like Qigong, breathwork, and visualization can further strengthen your energy body, making it more resilient to external influences.  If you want my full manual, check out my Energy Body Illumination Program- The Energy Body Illumination 

Deflecting Unwanted Energy

Energetically sensitive people often find themselves on the receiving end of unwanted energy, whether it’s from others’ negative emotions or environmental factors. Learning to deflect this energy is a key component of psychic protection. Instead of returning negative energy, which can escalate the situation, it’s better to transmute it—transforming it into neutral energy that no longer affects you.  For more details on how to do this, check out my Podcast Episode #85 on Psychic Protection.

Navigating Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks can occur when someone consciously or unconsciously directs negative energy towards you. This can happen in situations of conflict, jealousy, or unresolved emotional issues. Strong energetic protection can help you maintain your boundaries and prevent these attacks from affecting your well-being. By creating a buffer zone and maintaining clear energetic boundaries, you can protect yourself from these disturbances.

Understanding Entities and Psychic Protection

Entities are non-physical beings or energies that can attach themselves to a person’s energetic field, often causing disturbances in their emotional, mental, and physical well-being. These entities may be drawn to individuals who are energetically sensitive or vulnerable. Psychic protection is relevant both for preventing and removing these entities, allowing individuals to maintain their energetic integrity and overall health. Techniques such as setting strong energetic boundaries, using protective rituals, and practicing regular energy cleansing can be effective in keeping entities at bay and ensuring a safe, balanced energetic environment. For those dealing with persistent entity attachments, deeper work like soul retrieval or specialized shamanic healing practices may be necessary to fully restore harmony and protection in their lives.  Learn more here: Compassionate Entity Removal 

Practical Tools for Psychic Protection

There are many tools available to help enhance your psychic protection. Crystals, such as Herkimer diamonds and black tourmaline, can be worn as jewelry or carried with you to strengthen your energy field. Essential oils, certain colors, and other symbolic tools can also play a role in your protective practices. Finding the right combination of tools that resonate with you is key to building a reliable protection strategy.  I’m a fan of Ted Andrew’s book, “Psychic Protection” for a highly usable overview of the subject.

 Final Thoughts

Psychic protection is more than just a set of techniques—it’s a way of living that allows energetically sensitive individuals to navigate the world with confidence and ease. By understanding your sensitivity, creating strong energetic boundaries, and utilizing the right tools, you can protect your energy and improve your quality of life. Whether you’re dealing with everyday stresses or more intense energetic challenges, mastering psychic protection is essential for maintaining your well-being.

For those interested in deepening their understanding and skills in psychic protection, consider exploring courses and resources dedicated to this important practice. The more you learn and practice, the stronger your psychic protection will become, allowing you to thrive in a world filled with energetic complexity.

Additional Resources

Online Courses:



Shamanic Healing Offers to Improve Psychic Protection: